At RESTOCK3D, we guarantee that all items are 100% authentic. Our zero-tolerance policy ensures that no counterfeit or fake goods are sold. Each product is brand new and includes original accessories like tags and boxes unless otherwise noted in the product description. Please refer to the item descriptions for details on what is included with your purchase. We are not affiliated with the brands we sell; we simply offer these products at competitive prices as independent resellers.

After placing your order, you can contact our help team at for assistance. Due to our quick turnaround time, we cannot guarantee that changes to your order will be made in time. To avoid disappointment, please reach out to our help team as early as possible.

All products have clear dispatch timeframes listed. DPD will provide delivery updates and notifications via SMS or email. Please note that we dispatch orders Monday through Friday. For order updates, contact our help team at with your order number and delivery address.

If we do not have your entire order in stock, we may ship the items that are available to partially fulfill your order. Please check your order status to stay informed about its fulfillment progress. This allows you to receive some items promptly while we await the arrival of the remaining items. Once they arrive, they will be promptly dispatched using DPD Next Day Delivery.

We sincerely apologise for this issue. Please contact our help team at, and they will be more than happy to assist you!

Firstlt, we sincerely apologise for the cancellation of your order. Our fulfilment team inspects all items during the picking and packing process, and if an issue is detected, we cannot send the damaged item due to our quality assurance policies. You will receive an email notification about your refund immediately, and our help team will be available to assist you further.

As a buyer, you agree to pay any applicable local, state, federal, or international taxes, including sales taxes, related to your purchase transaction.

Please note that we do not offer prepaid duties and taxes at this time. Your order may incur customs charges, which will be sent to you via text or email. These charges are typically around 10% of the order price, so please keep this in mind before making your purchase.